Thursday, March 3, 2016

Flower Power

Introducing the newest foster - Amaryllis! She's a beautiful Lynx Point Siamese. Although it may just be the hormones kicking in, she's incredibly sweet and friendly. Loves to be petted. Constantly kneading. Does NOT like to be left alone. Here's hoping that she does not pull a Nadya and force me to stay with her the entire time she's giving birth (Nadya freaked out any time I made a motion to leave; I was stuck in her room for 15 hours). Of course, I want to be with her when she gives birth but I would like to occasionally leave to go to the bathroom.

Without trying to compare her too much to Nadya, she's already making me reflect on Nadya. Amaryllis loves to chew up boxes. That was Nadya's favorite pastime (her adopter sent me a picture recently of Nadya in a cardboard box). As soon as Amaryllis walked around her new foster room, she went right up to the red catnip heart and claimed it as hers. Nadya loved that heart. I sent her home with a fresh, new version of it.

Without doing an ultrasound, it's impossible to really tell when she'll give birth. Perhaps in the next week or so. Another caregiver said she saw the babies moving, which is a sign that she's just a few days (or shorter) away from giving birth. I didn't see that at all last night as I spent time with her.

I predict there will be five with at least one Siamese and one brown tabby (we caregivers think that there is a Brown Tabby Fairy out there planting a brown tabby into each litter because it always seems to be one in every litter). I'm hoping to get a solid white one. I always look forward to seeing what colors you get. After 120 fosters, Amaryllis is my first blue eyed foster. It's the little things that thrill me.

I plan on naming her kittens after flowers (although I will be skipping "Rose" and "Lily" as we have a ton of those in our database). I have a few in mind. We'll see what she gives birth to before I name them.

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