Friday, August 29, 2014

The Results Are IN!

What's better than not being FIV+? Being mis-diagnosed with FIV and not really having it at all.

That's right. Nadya is not FIV+. Not.

And how many tests does it take to confirm that? Seven. That's right. Seven.

When Nadya came into Feline Rescue, she had an FIV test performed. That test is the Elisa test and is the one most commonly used. It came back negative.

Fast forward to six weeks later, about two weeks after her kittens were born. Nadya's temp sky-rocketed to 105.5 (normal temp range is 100.4-102.5). She had another Elisa test performed. FIV could certainly be causing her mysterious - and sudden - illness. Test came back negative.

Fast forward to 2 more weeks later. Nadya's temp sky-rocketed yet again to 106! Another Elisa test was administered. Negative. A test called the Western Blot was performed. That test looks for other ailments, too (not just FIV). It came back negative.

Fast forward another 2 weeks, Nadya's temp goes back up to 105. This time, the sleeves have been pushed up. The gloves have been thrown on the floor. It's an all out war on combatting what ails Nadya. The mother oF all blood tests (read: expensive) - the PCR test - was performed. Positive. This is the only test that would come back positive but since  this was the most comprehensive, it was deemed to be the supreme diagnosis. Nadya had FIV.

Fast forward six weeks later: Nadya and kittens go in for their spay/neuter surgery. As standard procedure, this is the time when all kittens and momma get tested for FIV. Nadya (and the kittens) had the Elisa snap test performed. Everyone's - including Nadya's - test came back negative. Hooray for the kittens! Huh? For Nadya.

Our vet called the University to discuss the oddness of all these tests. The U was intrigued. They decided to do a case study on Nadya. One more - and final - test for Nadya. This one procedure used all three test types - Elisa, Western Blot, and PCR. All of them came back negative. The verdict: Nadya does not have FIV. I repeat: Nadya does not have FIV!!!!

Of course, never one to be satisfied, I then posed the question: Um, then why did that one test come back negative? Shoulder shrug from the vet. Perhaps that test was performed incorrectly. Perhaps it was tainted. Perhaps Nadya was stressed and threw a false positive. (For anyone who has watched the cam for the past four months, you know that Nadya DOES NOT GET STRESSED! She's one of the most easy going momma cats we've ever had at Feline Rescue. Ever. In the history of FR.) Okay, fine. I'll let that one go. But here's my next question: Um, what was really wrong with her then? Something had to be causing her scary high temps. Shoulder shrug. Perhaps she was stressed. Sigh. I guess we'll never know. She's perfectly fine now.

I have to believe that one of the reasons Nadya has yet to be adopted is because of her FIV+ status listing. I really hope word spreads that she is perfectly fine. A mis-diagnosis. A false positive. She is FIV NEGATIVE. There is nothing wrong with her. Nothing, that is, other than not having a forever home.

Nadya is one of the most easy going cats I have ever encountered. She is also one heck of a mother. She was amazingly protective of them. She was incredibly strict. And now that her kittens are older, she's a laid back momma who loves to play with her babies and even lets them nurse occasionally. She purrs all the time. She gives fabulous kisses. She adores being petted. She has a heart of gold. Surely you know someone who wants such a sweet, loving, and wonderful cat as Nadya, right? Spread the word. Nadya needs a home!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Those Wascally Kittens

Years ago, I had a cat that could turn on the TV and the stereo. I swore he had little cat raves while I was away at work because often the music would be really loud, blaring from the apartment. I'm sure my neighbors hated me and I highly doubt that they would have believed me if I had blamed the cat, even though it was true.

Kittens today go beyond that and are just as mischievous and are incredibly tech savvy. It's one thing to turn something on or off or turn up the volume. It's another thing entirely to change the password (or at least to put in a very good effort).

Even before these kittens were born, there was a camera on them, streaming video to the internet. There has always been tech equipment in their room. They've been around it their whole entire lives, even before they were born. And shortly after they learned to walk, they learned how to mess with this equipment.

At first, the kittens learned to block the camera. One of their giant nylon cubes always managed to sneak right in front of the camera. One might argue that the kittens were simply leaving their toys around the room and the cube coincidentally just happened to be in front of the camera. Of course, after well over a dozen times that the cube blocked the camera, one can safely say those rascally kittens were doing it on purpose.

The kittens moved on to actually turning the camera. They learned how to jump up on the camera stand and press a paw down on the camera, thus giving the audience a view of the carpet.

Turning the camera segued into knocking the camera completely over so that the view was of the ceiling.

I then learned to anchor the camera more securely. Frustrated with not being able to affect the camera angle, the kittens turned their attention to the laptop itself.

The kittens learned how to unplug the laptop. The cord that goes into the laptop is very touchy and simply bumping it can disconnect the power cord from the laptop. The disadvantage is that the laptop would automatically switch to battery and the kittens would have to wait for the battery to finally give out before the laptop would die, cutting off the broadcast. There had to be a faster method. Unplugging the router turned the wi-fi off completely, shutting down transmission of the broadcast. The cord is lightweight and can be unplugged quite easily. Occasionally, the laptop can pick up another wi-fi signal to keep broadcasting so even shutting off the router doesn't always do the trick. The kittens learned to turn off the power strip, which knocks out the router's wi-fi signal and two hours later, kills the laptop's power supply. Both units are gone when the power is shut off. Of course, the heater and the iPod are also on this power strip so turning it off makes the room cold and kills the party tunes.

One day, the kittens changed the orientation of the screen display on the laptop from landscape to portrait. I have no idea what they did to change that. It's incredibly difficult to look at a screen sideways while opening windows and typing. It's even harder to type when you turn the screen on an end so that you can see things upright. It took about 10 minutes for me to re-orient the screen display. Ten minutes of pure swearing. I think they were just testing me to see how tech savvy *I* was. The main thing slowing me down from fixing the problem was trying to understand how on earth the kittens achieved this task. No one button alone can do this. They had to press multiple keys together to do this. I'm pretty sure there were several kittens in on this scam.

This is when the kittens stepped up their game. I came in one day to find several screens open on the laptop. One, the user profile screen from the control panel. I think they were either trying to figure out how to partition another user or how to change my password to lock me out... The second window was a browser page about web scripting. I think they were trying to learn how to create their own site. And the final screen was a print screen, so that they could print out their findings to study later tonight.

I came in a day later to discover that the kittens were recording a video. I have yet to watch that video. I'm hoping it's a choreographed music/dance video, complete with back up singers. I'm pretty sure it's not. I'm pretty sure it's kittens holding up protest signs. I don't want to watch it. They're going to scare me even more.

The thought that perhaps it's not the kittens messing with the equipment but an actual human did occur to me. My husband rarely goes into this foster room so I'm pretty sure he's not the culprit. Plus, I caught one of the kittens (<cough> Zotz) red pawed. As I was cleaning litter boxes, I heard clicking. I looked up to find Zotz sitting in front of the laptop, typing away, with dozens of screens popping open onto the screen. It was like she was a savant. I stood there in awe of all the windows that were whizzing open and then the horror of it all struck me. A kitten was TYPING on the laptop and actual screens were opening as a result.

I realized it was only a matter of time before these kittens did some real damage to the laptop so I bought a cabinet and placed all of the electronics in there - router and laptop. I drilled holes so that the laptop wouldn't over heat in its enclosed setting.

So, in sum, here are the things the kittens have done with all the tech equipment:

  • Block the camera
  • Change the camera angle to point straight down
  • Knock over the camera so that it points at the ceiling
  • Unplug the laptop
  • Unplug the router
  • Shut off the power strip (which shuts off the router, laptop, iPod, and heater)
  • Change the laptop screen display orientation
  • Try to change my password or create another user
  • Read about web scripting
  • Try to print their findings
  • Record a video
  • Type
I have a pretty good idea who the instigator is. I think there are several culprits but I know who the main rebel is. Oh, I know him - and her - well. I'm onto them all.

Lest you think the kittens focus all their mischievous attention on the webcam, please note that they are equal opportunist rascals. They learned to open a drawer the other day. I found the contents of the drawer all over the room. They also, for some reason, feel the need to tear down the colorful paw prints that are hanging all over the room.

Oh, those wascally (rascally) kittens. How I love them! I wouldn't have it any other way. They keep me on my toes. They keep me laughing. They make me smile. They're such good kittens, rascally and all. I will miss them when they're gone.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Kittens Ready for Adoption - All they Need is You!

All of the kittens and Nadya are now up for adoption. If you are interested in adopting any (or all!) of them, please call Joan with Feline Rescue at 651-705-6264. Kittens are $135; Nadya is $120. There is a discount if you adopt multiple kittens (2 for $250; 3 for $360)!

Here are the bios posted on Petfinder:

Biscoff is a happy and easy going little boy. He follows his foster caregiver all over the foster room, wagging his tail, hoping she'll sit down so he can crawl onto her lap and get petted. He's the charmer of his litter, one of the first to greet new people, new people who haven't yet grown weary of petting him and telling him how handsome he is. And boy, is he handsome! He's got the looks. He's got the heart. He's got the soft, fluffy fur. He's a good natured boy that would love to  sit on your lap for the rest of his life.  Biscoff is great friends with his fluffy brother Stroopy and would like to spend his days battling Stroopy for HeavyWeight Champion of the World (well, at least of your house).

Double Stuff is full of zest, pep, and gumption. Just ask him. He is the talker of his group, always chattering away. He has an opinion about everything. Everything. He's zany. He's got a lot of energy. He's full of curiosity. He's also a big ol' baby and craves attention. As long as you bring the attention to HIM. He's been known to lay in his bed, crying until his foster caregiver comes over to pet him. That's right. He makes HER come to HIM.  Double Stuff would love to spend his days with his momma Nadya. She understands him and is quick to comfort him when he encounters something that is scary or makes him nervous. He's also great pals with his sister Fudge Stripe and could definitely spend his days playing with her.

Fudge Stripe (also known as "Fudgie") is sweet, gentle girl who loves long naps curled up with her brother Double Stuff and her sister Zotz. When there's no sunbeam to warm up in, she uses her brother and sister as blankets. She also enjoys sneak attacks on unsuspecting siblings. She's the queen of flash wrestling. She's the yin and yang kitten. One part sweet; one part tough girl with a devilish plan. She loves to play.  Fudgie would love to go to her forever home with her warm blankets, er, siblings Double Stuff or Zotz (or both!).

Shortbread is lovingly referred to as "Shortie," a name that is befitting because she is the smallest of the litter. The smallest AND the bravest. She's kind, gentle, sweet, and wickedly smart. She could take over the world if she wanted to. But her kind heart lets her leave the world safe from any plans she could concoct. She loves to be held. When she was a little younger, she would tell her foster caregiver that she wanted to play by tapping the toy, running over to the foster caregiver, tapping her, and then running back to the toy. And true to her gentle nature, she makes sure only to snag the toy, not human fingers. She keeps her claws in when she can. She doesn't want to hurt anybody!  And lest you try to take advantage of this small, gentle, and unafraid little kitten, you will feel the dopey wrath of her bodyguard Zagnut, the biggest kitten of them all! (Actually only that second part is true - Zagnut IS huge and he is Shortie's best friend, but he would rather sleep away his troubles than attack anyone. He's a gentle giant. A gentle, goofy, loveable giant.)

Stroopy is all fluff. All fluff and food. All fluff and food and wrestling tactics. Lots of wrestling tactics. He's not always the Heavyweight Champion of the litter but he does certainly try! He'll settle for the supreme title of World Wrestling Federation Champ. He's known affectionately as "Super Stroopy." He's got the moves. He's got the skills. He's got the great big fluffy butt. Go ahead and tell him that. He won't care. While he loves to pounce on his siblings, he also loves to charm the ladies. He's a cuddler. When he's not karate-chopping his brother Biscoff. Stroopy would love to go to his forever home with his brother Biscoff, a wrestling partner that challenges him.

Zagnut is a giant. A gentle, sweet, unassuming giant with an enormous head and a heart that matches. He's a lover, not a fighter. His best friend is Shortie, the smallest of the litter. He curls up with her and helps her bathe those hard to reach places. He's a goofy boy that puts up with the endless kisses his human foster caregiver bestows upon him.  Zagnut is going to be one BIG boy. We think his daddy was a bobcat. To
balance out your house, Zagnut the giant should be adopted with his sister Shortie, the smallest kitten in the litter. That's Zagnut's best friend. If you're in the mood for THREE kittens, he'd also love to spend the rest of his days with his sister Zotz.

Zotz is the leader of the litter. She was the first to do so many things. She was the first to open her eyes, first to get vision (and was quite startled by the sight of her foster caregiver). She was the first to start walking. The first to leave the den. The first to eat solid food. The first to use the litter box.  The first to escape from the room... The first to purr. The first to give kisses (and like being kissed). Zotz loves to play, loves to be held, and loves to chirp. That's right. Chirp. Zotz is the first to also learn another language. Chirp.  Zotz is ready for her new adventure - life in her forever home. She would love to spend it with her friends Shortbread and her brother Zagnut (as a trio). If you're looking for just a duo, she makes an excellent pair with Fudge Stripe.

And finally, Nadya's profile:
It's hard for me to write a bio that fully expresses how wonderful Nadya is, particularly without crying.
Nadya is one of the sweetest cats I've ever encountered. She has a generous heart and soul. She truly needs to win a Mother of the Year award. Heck, she should win Cat of the Year.

For those unfamiliar with Nadya's story, let me start from the beginning. It's a long story but it will show you just how marvelous Nadya really is. It will also expose just how much I (her foster caregiver) love this cat, after only knowing her for four months. You will fall in love with her, too.

Nadya was a stay living in a colony in Minneapolis when she was brought to Feline Rescue. She was pregnant. Her coat was dull and full of dandruff. She didn't make a peep in the car ride to her foster home. Once in her new surroundings, she hid for about a half hour and then decided that she was over the shock of being inside. She purred for me, a deep, happy, rich purr. She flopped over, exposing her basketball sized belly, begging for belly rubs. She sat on my lap. She was so happy.

After almost three weeks of waiting, Nadya gave birth to six kittens, one of whom died shortly after birth. A day later, two orphaned kittens, only a week old, were in desperate need of a nursing momma as they refused to take to bottle feeding. I brought them into Nadya's room. She knew something was up. I took them out of the carrier and began to rub them with Nadya's blanket, to help disguise their foreign smell. They started crying. Nadya instantly jumped up next to me and began licking the kittens. Once they quieted down, she left. I placed them next to her kennel where the other kittens lay. The orphans began crying again. Nadya ran over, picked each of them up, and carried them into her kennel. They were her kittens from then on. Nadya now had seven kittens to take care of. Her heart grew bigger.

A week later, Nadya developed an incredibly high fever and stopped eating. She nursed her kittens dutifully but would not eat for herself. Her kittens came first, despite how she miserable she felt. She was put on antibiotics and after a week, the fever went down. A few days later, the fever returned. An FIV test was performed. It came back positive. More antibiotics and sub-Q fluids for Nadya for 10 days. A week after her medication regiment was over, her fever came back again. She and the kittens spent three nights at the vet clinic. She continued to nurse and bathe and potty her kittens even though she felt horrible (her ears were so hot!) and was hooked up to an IV.

Nadya is FIV positive. The jerk who knocked her up bit her (males tend to bite the scruff of the female's neck) and infected her with FIV. FIV is akin to kitty AIDS. It compromises her immune system and makes her more susceptible to illnesses. FIV is not the worst illness to contract.  FIV is not something to be feared. It is not that scary. Nadya should live a long life. The worst thing about this diagnosis is that it will scare off good people who want to adopt her. And that breaks my heart.

She is the most wonderful girl. She's had a hard life - the tip of one of her ears is missing due to frostbite; she was on the streets, fending for her life; and, oh, yeah, she has FIV. And despite it all, she purrs. She's happy. She loves to be petted. She loves to play with her kittens. She's a fabulous momma. She's an amazing cat. FIV doesn't define who she is. Nadya's heart does.

If you want to read more about FIV, here are some good sites: 

One thing to note:  She is safe around other cats (as long as they have a peaceful relationship). The only way this virus is transmitted is through a bite that breaks the skin. She cannot infect another cat through daily contact or saliva (from licking or drinking from the same water bowl).

Nadya deserves a good home. What she doesn't deserve is FIV. She's an absolutely fabulous girl. I can't stress it enough. She's so sweet. She has a heart of gold. She deserves someone whose heart matches hers.  After eating good food for the past few months, her coat is shiny, silky, glossy, smooth, and fabulous. Come meet Nadya and see just how beautiful she is, inside and out.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The End is Near (The Good End)

On the eve of the kittens' third month birthday (which is 7/2), I am both sad and happy. The kittens will soon get posted on Petfinder (and Feline Rescue's site - and should get adopted shortly after that. I'm so happy that they're getting closer to finding their forever homes. They're such great kittens and I'm eager for others to see that, too. I'm sad because they'll be leaving me. But that's all part of fostering and as soon as they get adopted, the next crew will come in.

In the Feline Rescue world, all of our cats get spayed/neutered and tested for FeLV/FIV. For kittens, this happens when they are three months old as long as they're three pounds.  If they're three pounds before they're three months old, they have to wait until they are 3 months old. If they're three months but not three pounds, they have to wait until they reach three pounds. For litters, if there are a couple that are behind in weight, they all wait (and the larger kittens thank the smaller kittens for prolonging their surgery date).

Last week, I ran out of Nadya's favorite canned food. She can be a bit picky. She ate but not nearly like she normally does. Because she wasn't eating as much, she also wasn't nursing as much. A couple of the kittens lost several ounces. Stroopy, who was the largest of Nadya's kittens, surprisingly took a nosedive. Biscoff seized the opportunity to climb to the top of the weight board and is now the largest kitten. Shortie, the smallest kitten, also lost several ounces, ounces she couldn't afford to lose. Now with the preferred food fully stocked, the kittens are gaining weight - almost faster than the weeks before. Stroopy doesn't like someone beating him and even though Biscoff gained a lot and Stroopy lost a lot, Stroopy is rapidly catching up. Can someone say piggy?

For Nadya's kittens, both Fudge Stripe and Shortbread are not quite three pounds. Fudge Stripe weight 2 pounds, 14 and a half ounces. She very well may weigh three pounds come tomorrow (7/2). Shortie, after rebounding from her weight loss, is at 2 pounds, 11 ounces. Hopefully by next Wednesday, she will weigh three pounds.

The kittens are forming some interesting pairs. For awhile, it seemed as though the kittens switched alliances every day. They never curled up with the same kitten or played with the same kitten two days in a row. For the past few weeks, it does seem as though some bonds are forming. Shortie and Zagnut often are in the same bed together. Zagnut likes to bathe Shortie, too. Shortie is the smallest; Zagnut is the largest kitten. One might think that he's her protector or body guard but I think she likes him simply because he's a very mellow guy. Double Stuff and Fudge Stripe are also often together at the top of the cat tower. I believe they've bonded over their love of heights, towering over everyone else. That pairing is quite interesting as Double Stuff is the most needy of the kittens. He loves attention. Fudgie, on the other paw, is the one that hates me (because of the whole abscess incident, which naturally is my fault). She is skeptical of human interaction. Double Stuff craves it. Hopefully his zest for attention will rub off on Fudgie. The two fuzzies Biscoff and Stroopy often play together. Biscoff is good hearted and amazingly sweet. Stroopy is a rough and tumble kitten who plays hard. Both love to be held and petted. Zotz plays with everyone... and no one. She's often curled up with her brother Zagnut or Shortie (or both since they like to nap together). She's quite good at entertaining herself. She also loves human attention. Shortie, Zotz, and Biscoff follow me around the room, begging for attention. Double Stuff cries until the attention comes to him (did I mention he's a bit lazy?).

Tonight (7/1), the kittens will have a photo shoot with a professional photographer KrisKreativ (she photographed them when they were 6 weeks old). In about a week (a day after their spay/neuter surgeries), the kittens will then be posted on Petfinder/, ready for adoption. They should be posted by 7/11. Adoptions will start soon!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Guest Hosts

Over the next few weeks, you'll be seeing a lot of new feet. Human feet. The kittens will have visitors, lots and lots of visitors. These are not adoption visits but socialization visits.

A few days ago, my family stopped by to meet the kittens. The kittens were not enthusiastic about meeting new people. They scattered and hid under the treadmill. 

Although the smallest of the bunch, Shortie was the bravest. After an initial scamper away, she quickly returned. While she wasn't too interactive with my sister, her husband, my nephew, and my father, she wasn't afraid, either. She amused herself, playing with toys. 

After a bit, some kittens ventured out but did not stay out for long. Double Stuff found himself out in the open, darting about, trying to find a place to hide. The longer he searched, the more panicked he became. He soon decided he could escape the room, even though the door was shut. He spotted the gap under the door. He made a beeline towards the door, ramming his head under the door, trying to slither out to the other side. But his head is bigger than he expected. And the gap isn't as wide as he gauged. He quickly became stuck. And then the panic REALLY set in. With his head wedged under the door, he began screaming and his panic manifested in hissing. Nadya thought another cat was attacking him from the other side of the door and flew into super protective momma mode. She launched herself at the door, puffed up and hissing herself, trying to attack whatever was on the other side. Double Stuff's hysteria intensified. My sister ran over and tried to pull him out but since he didn't know her, he was terrified even more. I intervened and tried pulling him out but he was firmly wedged under the door. I had to open the door to free his head.

One bright thing that came out of this scary incident - all of the kittens came out of hiding (many were all puffed up) due to the commotion. They were gawkers on the scene.  

So.... because we can't have Double Stuff ramming his head under a door every time a stranger comes into the room, I have arranged people playdates for the kittens. There will be new people coming over a couple of times a week to sit with the kittens, play with the kittens, and just be a person. 

On Monday (6/23), the kittens met the wonderful Peggy, who is also a foster caregiver for Feline Rescue. She came bearing treats. As I walked into the room, all of the kittens ran to greet me. But when they saw Peggy behind me a second later, they all scattered, hiding under the treadmill again. Shortie stayed. She wasn't afraid! She's a tough and brave little girl. 

Nadya was incredibly friendly. She purred and rubbed all over Peggy. She was also quite interested in the treats. Moments later, Stroopy came out of hiding. He was afraid and kept darting for cover but the allure of treats resonated with him. Biscoff was the next to venture out. Both kept fighting their fear, pulling their braveness up by the bootstraps. They'd sit out in the open for a second, shyly duck back behind something, come out a second later, nervously take a few steps forward, until they reached the point where they could be comfortable being visible as long as Peggy didn't make any sudden movements or, heaven forbid, try to touch them. 

Zotz watched from afar. She came out from under the treadmill, walked to the back of it (the furthest point away), and peered out at us. We could only see her eyes and her ears. Zagnut crawled out from under the treadmill a few times but ducked back under after a moment or two. He forgot to tuck his giant paws under so we could see them sticking out. Double Stuff knows his name so when I would call out to him, he'd peek out. 

After about a half hour, Nadya walked over to the treadmill and chattered at the kittens underneath, as if scolding them. They all came out of hiding. Momma told them to come out so they did! But none wanted to approach Peggy. Double Stuff clung to his momma, hugging her and begging for licks of comfort. 

I got out a wand toy. That did the trick. Biscoff wanted to show his new best friend all of his graceful moves. Zagnut just wanted to steal the toy. Even Fudgie, who hates me, came over to play with the wand toy. 

Interestingly enough, Zotz, who was the first to do everything and is incredibly adventurous, was one of the last to fully approach Peggy. Double Stuff kept needing his momma to reinforce his courage. He would dart back to her, get his head licked, and then he would venture a couple steps further. 

After the hour long session, Peggy was able to see, interact, AND touch all seven kittens. She even held Fudgie. Biscoff draped himself over her feet, keeping close to his favorite toy and the woman with treats. 

The next visitor is scheduled for Wednesday (6/25), a little after 5:00pm Minnesota time. I'm hoping that with each new visitor, the time it takes for them to come out of hiding is shorter to the point where they don't even hide. There is hope. 

In other news, the kittens will be three months old on 7/2. This is a momentous date because in the Feline Rescue world, this marks the spay/neuter age (with the caveat that they are three pounds; this is also the time when they're FIV tested). And once they're spayed/neutered, they can be adopted. Two of the kittens (Fudgie and Shortie) are not three pounds yet. They're just a tish over two and a half pounds now. Since kittens typically gain about 4 ounces a week, this means neither will be three pounds by next week. I had tentatively scheduled their spay/neuter surgery for 7/7 knowing that the smaller kittens wouldn't be ready on their actual 3 month birthday, however, it looks as though it will need to be pushed out until at least 7/9. 

Every day with the kittens brings something new. They're learning. They're growing. 

Monday, June 16, 2014


Part of the job of a foster caregiver is to prepare the kittens for, well, life in general. This means everyday household occurrences and noises - like the dishwasher, cooking dinner, dogs barking, the vacuum cleaner, climbing stairs. The kittens' room is like a fortress. It's in the basement (you may have noticed the cinder block walls), tucked far away from the hustle and bustle that goes on upstairs. While this was perfect for Nadya when she was pregnant and then later when she was a new momma to minimize stressful impacts, it is now a little too perfect. You may have heard the music in the background of the kittens' room and wondered if the kittens were having a rave. No, the music is for educational purposes. A few weeks ago, as I was sitting in the kittens' room, my stomach growled. The kittens freaked out and flew into hiding. A few days later when the same thing happened and was met by the same response, I realized that the kittens were overprotected. Tucked in the basement, away from every day noises, their room was a little too quiet, a little too serene. Instead of creating kittens who were at peace, the opposite had occurred. These guys were neurotic over the slightest noise.

I brought out the iPod containing a playlist of soothing, tranquil selections (Muzak style songs, lullabies, and classical), used ages ago for my own cat who was afraid of thunderstorms (but is now fine). The first time I turned on the stereo, the kittens scattered, which definitely reinforced my point. After a week, I added more peppy songs, mixing them into the more serene selection. The volume also varies. Sometimes it's quite soft; sometimes it's rather loud. The unexpected volume changes help mimic every day life.

Once the kittens seemed unfazed by the music, I decided to add TV noises - car chases, gun fire, dogs barking, doorbells. For an hour a day, they get TV time. If you're wondering what they're watching that would give them scary noises consistently, it would be old episodes of the TV series Charmed (starring Shannen Doherty, Holly Marie Combs, and Alyssa Milano). The kittens seem to be over their fear of noises. My tummy can growl all it wants now. :-)

In other news, Double Stuff is no longer afraid of climbing down from the top of the cat tower!! Finally! He spent a good 10 minutes climbing up, climbing down, climbing up, climbing down with reckless abandonment one evening (and almost falling off in the process as he got cocky).

Finally, all seven kittens have had their first distemper shot. The five "cookie" kittens (Biscoff, Stroopy, Double Stuff, Fudge Stripe, and Shortbread) received their first one on Friday (6/13). All did very well and didn't even make a peep! Shortbread, who is the littlest, delayed the date of the shot as she was not quite two pounds when the kittens turned eight weeks old (Feline Rescue requires that the kittens be 2 pounds and 8 weeks old). The other kittens thanked her. Their spay/neuter surgery will also most likely be delayed, too, due to weight issues. If projection holds true, neither Fudge Stripe nor Shortbread will be the required three pounds at 12 weeks old (which is 7/2).

I have more exercises planned for the kittens. They still need to be introduced to the vacuum cleaner. They need to experience climbing stairs. They need to be in a kitchen during dinner preparation. They need to be in the living room as members of the household scurry about doing every day things. They also need to meet my cats... Nadya is still in protective momma cat mode so I'll have to arrange a meeting that does not include Nadya. One of my cats is the official foster socializer. Howard the cat is a wonderful surrogate poppa. He is incredibly patient with kittens (I usually get orphans) and loves to bathe with them. He's excellent at teaching a kitten how to play.

In a few short weeks, the kittens will be ready for adoption. I have just a little time left to teach them everything they're supposed to know before they leave me. I hope they all graduate from kittening school!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Nine Weeks of Furry Spunk

The cookie kittens turned nine weeks old on 6/11 (and the candy kids are 10 weeks old). Hard to believe how quickly they went from helpless to waddling to bouncing off the walls.

Most of the kittens are right on track with their weight (which means they're at least two pounds). Shortbread is about 6 days behind in weight. Although that seems sad, it's actually not so bad since a few weeks ago, she was two weeks behind in weight. She's catching up! Fudge Stripe and Shortbread toggle who is the smallest. Currently, Shortbread is the tiniest.

The kittens should be receiving their first distemper shot (the horror!) on 6/13. The candy kittens received their first shot already (since they're a week older) and both took it really well.

Double Stuff had a very scary incident last Friday. He was frightened by a loud noise while he was lounging on top of a six foot high cat tower. In a panic, he jumped straight down. While that's a scary action all in itself, it was compounded when his head slammed into the metal leg of the futon couch. He then spent 10 minutes wobbling all over the room, not wanting to put weight on his back legs (and actually wheel-barrowed around on his front two legs). This occurred around 7:15pm Friday. Since the vet's office closes at 8pm (and there's a 20 minute drive), I didn't wait to assess if he were merely stunned or was actually injured. I packed him into a carrier and took him to the vet. He was fine. Physically fine. Mentally, he was one upset kitten. He was very vocal about his displeasure over the car ride. As soon as he returned home, Nadya licked him all over and gave him a private nursing session. He glared up at me as he nursed feverishly. The residual effects of his fall - Double Stuff is now terrified to climb down from the cat tower. This fear does NOT keep him from climbing to the top of the tower. Every day when I come home, I find him stuck on the top, screaming at me to help him down. I've tried showing him how to get down. I've tried just letting him sit up there and scream. The other kittens have all tried to show him how to get down, too. He refuses to listen to logic and insists that I help him.

Their little personalities continue to develop.

Zotz absolutely loves attention and is incredibly friendly. She's the first to greet me as I walk into their room. She loves to crawl all over me as I sit on the floor. She's my pal.

Shortie, although the smallest of the bunch, has one of the sweetest personalities. She's so smart, too! When she wants me to play with her, she taps a toy and looks at me. If I'm not paying attention, she runs over to me, taps my leg, and then runs back to her toy and taps her toy. She's incredibly gentle. Her claws are always in when she accidentally hits me instead of the toy I'm waving at her. She's also one curious kitten and is very interested in waste management. As I clean the litter boxes, she crawls into the bag, investigating where the poop goes...

Biscoff is one of largest kittens and is the most easy going of the bunch. He lets me do pretty much anything, including holding him in the crook of my arm, cradling him like a baby. He loves belly rubs... or at least puts up with them.

Zagnut is a quiet, gentle giant. He is the largest of the kittens. Typically, kittens gain 4 ounces a week and total 3 pounds at 12 weeks. Zagnut reached 3 pounds at 9 weeks old. I'm still working with him about human interaction. It seems he greets me at the door every OTHER day. He likes me. He's just a little unassuming. His favorite game is blanket monster (I'm teaching 'em young!). He loves to have a baby blanket thrown over him and when he sneaks a paw out from under the blanket, he almost giggles when I touch it.

Stroopy is a rascal. He is the biggest of Nadya's kittens. He can be a bit of a bully as he plays a little too aggressively with some of the kittens. Of course, he has a good heart and likes to curl up with his siblings, too. He loves to be petted and puts up with belly rubs.

Double Stuff is the trouble maker. He loves to get into things. He's also the talker. The other kittens are fairly quiet, rarely meowing. Double Stuff is constantly talking, even in the potty. He is also a deep purrer. Loves belly rubs and will actually flop down at my feet for belly rubs.

Fudgie. Sigh. Fudgie. She's a sweet girl. Unfortunately, she absolutely hates me. It breaks my heart. She's starting to come around, though. She doesn't run away from me... as much. She WILL walk past me if I'm sitting on the floor now (she used to take the biggest circle possible to avoid coming anywhere near me - and sometimes, she just wouldn't even go around me. She'd stay on her side of the room). I think she's still holding a grudge to humans in general, with me at the top of her list, after her butt abscess draining (her bottom was poked with a giant needle to drain a nasty infection). Although I didn't do it (a vet did), she still holds me responsible for the incident (and not her mother Nadya who gave her the abscess). She does love to play with her siblings. I'm trying to work with her.

And Nadya. Sweet Nadya.  Always greets me at the door. She loves, loves, loves to lick her kittens. When one runs by her, she grabs it and bathes it. She loves to play with me. She prefers to hang back when I'm playing with the kittens, though. She herself occasionally plays with a kitten. Shortie loves to wrestle with her momma.

Nadya continues to have bouts here and there of fevers. She was fine for a good three weeks without incident. She spent a couple of hours alone when the kittens were 7 weeks old. They went to the vet for their wellness checkup. A few hours after they returned, her temp shot up, caused by the stress of her missing kittens. She was placed on antibiotics and sub-Q fluids for a week. A day after that, her temp shot up again and she went back on antibiotics and sub-Q fluids for another week. She's just finished that round. Fingers crossed that she stays healthy!

Typically, Feline Rescue posts kittens for pre-adoption when they reach 2 months old (but doesn't adopt out until 3 months old, after they've been spayed/neutered and FeLV/FIV tested). Because there's a slight chance that these kittens might have FIV, we have to wait to post the kittens for adoption until after they've been tested. They most likely will be just fine - FIV negative. Given their momma's history, we have to be careful. With a typical litter, I'd be entertaining people who were interested in meeting the kittens. I'd know now if my babies were going to be adopted. These kittens have about 4 weeks to go before they can meet potential adopters. It's bittersweet. It's sweet because I have more time with these kittens; it's bitter because these kittens, unfortunately, can't do what other kittens get to do.

As mentioned, the kittens get their first distemper shot tomorrow (6/13). Think about them about 4:30 Central (Minnesota) time because that's when the needles come out. Poor babies. I think I'm more nervous then they are!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Getting Older (and Cuter)!

 The candy kittens (Zotz and Zagnut) are seven weeks old today (5/20) while their cookie "siblings" turn six weeks old on Wednesday (5/21).

Stroopy eating in the middle of the plate!
Biscoff the lap cat
The kittens continue to grow and are constantly learning new things. Shortbread and Fudge Stripe are the smallest (Fudgie is a smidge lighter than her sister). They have finally cracked the pound mark. They are behind in weight but that's nothing to worry about. One kitten has to be the smallest. They are both gaining weight every day and as long as that continues, there's no cause for alarm. Zagnut is the largest at 32 ounces, a full week ahead of where he should be. He's a mighty two pounder whose feet are an inch and a half wide. They are unbelievably - and comically - big. Biscoff, Stroopy, and Zotz are pretty much tied around 25 ounces. Biscoff and Stroopy are slightly heavier than target (24 ounces) but considering they're medium hairs, perhaps that extra ounce is all fluff. :-) Zotz is behind. She should be 28 ounces. Again, since she continues to gain weight, there's nothing to worry about. Double Stuff is constantly doing his own thing and his weight is right smack dab in the middle of everyone else's. He's a little underweight at 22 ounces (since he should be 24). Most of the kittens are still trying to play catch-up from all of Nadya's illnesses.

All of the kittens are eating canned food now - and even a few have ventured into eating dry food. They still nurse from time to time. When they'll stop is determined by a combination of desire and accommodation. If they still want to and Nadya still allows them to, they will continue to nurse. Some momma cats shut their kittens off around seven weeks; some momma cats have been known to nurse well into five or six months...

The kittens all use the litter box. Nadya has stopped cleaning the litter box, removing its contents... (thank goodness!)

The kittens have learned how comfortable cat beds are, even when it's a small bed piled high with siblings. They now have several beds in their room.

They also have tons of toys, although the cube and the tunnel seem to be the favorites. Biscoff and Double Stuff have really embraced toys and can often be seen batting them around or carrying them in their mouth. Biscoff was the first to figure out how to play with the ball-in-track toy. He's a very smart boy!

The smallest - Fudge Stripe
Their personalities continue to emerge. Biscoff and Stroopy love lap time. Biscoff is incredibly smart and quickly figures out new toys. Stroopy... is a bit of a scaredy cat. He's often the first  - and sometimes the only one - who runs and hides. His favorite spot is behind the litter box, tucked into the corner. Zotz is the trouble maker - and is quite good an instigating the other kittens into getting into trouble. Nadya is constantly chasing Zotz and yelling at her. (Nadya refuses to believe that she's lost control of her kittens; they don't listen to her constant chatter but she insists on scolding them) Shortbread is turning into a sweetheart. She often wrestles with the big kittens (Zagnut, who is almost twice her weight, is her best buddy... after Fudge Stripe) and then climbs into my lap, looking up at me with her big eyes, asking politely to have her cheeks rubbed as she falls asleep. Double Stuff is the talker. He must get that from his mother. He talks in the litter box; he talks when he's hiding under something to leap out at his siblings; he talks when he's in No-Kitty-Land (the side of the room the kittens aren't supposed to go into but do anyway), which totally tells his mother that he's up to something mischievous. He's a bit zany, too. Fudge Stripe is the ultimate crazy cat. She's tiny but she's got great speed. She's often so fast, her back legs can't keep up (and then she's running on just the front two paws - I kid you not). Zagnut, the giant, is a bit afraid of me. He gets freaked out when I try to pick him up. Once he's on my lap, he loves to be petted. He doesn't seek out affection much. I'm working on that.
Shortbread looking worried.

The kittens play amazingly well together. No one hates another kitten. There isn't sibling drama. In a lot of litters, the same colored kittens gravitate towards each other (the grey kittens cuddle with other grey kittens; orange kittens with orange kittens, etc). In this litter, it seems as though size is the defining factor. There are definite friendships - Biscoff, Stroopy, and Zagnut are buds. Shortbread and Fudge Stripe are friends. Shortbread and Zagnut are friends. Zotz and Double Stuff seem to be the liaisons - neither one of them has developed a tight friendship with anyone yet but they do play well with all the other kittens.

Double Stuff
Nadya has been off antibiotics for three full days now. Her temp is holding steady at 101 (the range of normal is 99.5-102.5). Her appetite has decreased significantly, which is understandable now that she's not solely responsible for feeding her kittens. She is teaching her kittens to be finicky. She'll eat anything... for a couple of days. And then she decides she doesn't like it anymore.

Everyone is doing well.  Everyone continues to grow and thrive. Everyone continues to develop. Everyone is pretty happy (as long as the carpet sweeper isn't being used).

(All photos taken by KrisKreativ)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Four Weeks Old!

Nadya's five kittens are four weeks old today (5/7)! The two orphans (Zotz and Zagnut) turned 5 weeks old on 5/6.

All of the kittens are getting more mobile. Still a little wobbly, particularly when walking slow, but several have really mastered running. Uh-oh! They're getting more accustomed to eating solid food.  Double Stuff and Fudge Stripe are the two remaining hold outs. They both refuse to eat solid food. I think Double Stuff has issues getting dirty. He doesn't want to mess up that white fur! He's the only one of the kittens that never spills a drop and never gets a milk beard while being bottle fed. Fudge Stripe is a bit like Piglet from Winnie the Pooh - very small and very afraid. She doesn't think canned food is for kittens.

They're all developing little personalities, too. Biscoff is going to be a MAJOR lap cat. He (I think he's a he) seems to prefer to fall asleep on my lap after (or while waiting) bottle feeding. Zagnut loves to play. Double Stuff is very clingy. Shortbread always seems to have a worried look on his face. Fudge Stripe is very quiet and a bit reserved... and then unleashes some spontaneous crazies. Stroopy is a sly one, seemingly quiet and reserved but can definitely kick up his heals with his pal Zagnut. Zotz is two dimensional - she is great at instigating the other kittens into a playing frenzy but is also quite capable of playing by herself.

Alliances are forming! The three biggest kittens seem to like to play together - Zagnut, Biscoff, and Stroopy. Zagnut and Biscoff are often curled up sleeping on my legs after bottle time. The two smaller kittens play together - Shortbread and Fudge Stripe. However, Shortbread can handle his own and often plays with the biggest of them all - Zagnut. Zotz is a liason. She can be rough and tumble with her big brother Zagnut but also spends a lot of time wrestling with the smaller kittens (probably because she can win). Double Stuff... Double Stuff seems to prefer bottle time....

Of course, the kittens are young. Alliances certainly haven't been set in stone yet. It will be interesting to see how the kittens pair up in a month.

The kitten room is divided in half - literally. I have wood planks stacked up, separating the room with one side kitten proof (or as kitten proof as something can be) and the other side where all the electrical cords and more breakable supplies are stored. This morning, three kittens followed me over to the wrong side of the planks... (Of course, Zotz has been doing this for a week now). Darn it! I'll be adding extra kitten security tonight to keep them on their side of the room. Well, for at least a few more days.

Three of Nadya's kittens are right on track (or even a little above) for weights. At four weeks old, they should be one pound (16 ounces). Biscoff is 18 ounces, Stroopy and Double Stuff are almost 17 ounces. Unfortunately, all of Nadya's health issues have affected Shortbread and Fudge Stripe. They're a little under 14 ounces. This often happens and is nothing to worry about. They're perfectly healthy and have plenty of time to make up their weight. At five weeks old, Zotz and Zagnut should be 20 ounces (they gain 4 ounces a week). Zagnut is well ahead of the game at 22 ounces; Zotz is surprisingly underweight at 18 ounces. She's just too busy exploring and playing to eat.

Nadya's temperature remains well within the normal range. She's still on antibiotics (which she says tastes horrible and often runs around the room after I've given her some meds). She also gets sub-Q fluids (under the skin) once a day. She seems to be in good spirits. She loves play time. After I've fed her and bottle fed all the kittens, she likes to block the door or sits by her toys as soon as she sees me stand up (the cue that I'm probably leaving the room). To keep her spirits up, I make sure to play with her every night.

The kittens are happy, healthy, and very energetic. Everyone is doing well.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Kittens Are Growing Up!

Nadya's kittens were born on 4/9. This photo shoot was 5/3, when they were about 3 1/2 weeks old. The orphans were born on 4/1, which means they're almost 5 weeks old in these photos.
Zotz, still the leader, and still the first to do everything! 
Shortbread. Such sad eyes for such a happy cat.... 
Fudge Stripe, the smallest of the bunch.

Biscoff gets into posing. 

Double Stuff, the infamous waddler. 

Zagnut...  so unsure of what he's supposed to be doing... 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Nadya Comes Home!

Nadya was released from the vet last night (4/30). She came home with a bunch of medications and a happy heart.

To my surprise, ALL of the kittens could not only walk but were more than happy to practice that newfound mobility. Translation: They're all over the place! First out of the kennel after momma was, of course, Zotz. The rest of them soon followed, wiggling and wobbling all over their room.

First task - feed momma and the kittens. A lot of the kittens have discovered the joys of eating canned food. A few that didn't eat probably don't have their sense of smell fully developed so they're not interested in (nor do they even notice) the slop on the plate in front of them. After the canned food was consumed, I brought out the bottle of formula. A little line of kittens formed at my feet as they waited (not so patiently) for their turn at the bottle. All kittens now get bottle fed. Prior to Nadya's last hospitalization, only those that were not gaining weight or those who had lost weight were getting bottle fed. Now, to take the pressure off Nadya, all kittens get bottle fed three times a day (in addition to canned food, if they'll eat that). I love that the kittens know me as the gal with the bottle. When one walks up to me and cries, I'm pretty sure they're telling me, "I'm hungry!"

Second task - build something to contain the kittens so that they're not walking around, getting into mischief. Of course, this containment arena needs to be easily escapable for momma. I built several different options. None of which were acceptable to Nadya. Instead, she moved the kittens one by one (even took one right out of my hands as I was bottle feeding her) to the cave at the bottom of the cat tower. An itty bitty cave. Very itty bitty. It barely is big enough for one adult cat let alone an adult cat who needs to nurse seven kittens. And it does not contain the kittens at all (as demonstrated by Zotz two seconds after Nadya moved her to the cave). After spending almost two hours building - and tearing down - containment centers, I finally gave in to Nadya. I sectioned off the room with planks, dividing the room. One half is kitten proof. The other half contains the power cords, laptop, heater, and all supplies (extra bowls, medications, cans of food, etc). Zotz, of course, will be the first over on that side... (And then it's back to the drawing board).

Third task - Nadya's medications. Nadya needs to have her temperature monitored... which means I get the joy of taking her temperature twice a day (once a day is bad enough). She's not happy about this and neither am I. Last night's temperature was 103.5 (higher than what is normal but not horrible).

In addition to temperature taking, Nadya needs sub-Q fluids (saline given under the skin, not in the vein). Again, Nadya is not happy about this experience. For the first time since she arrived, she growled at me. I completely understand - the needle is quite big and the feeling of water flooding into your body cannot be pleasant (even though I warmed the fluids before the procedure). Although I am quite experienced giving fluids, most of my patients have been elderly and near death. Having a young, mobile, and busy cat is a different experience. Nadya is strong and strong willed. She had kittens to attend to and didn't want to put up with something holding her back. She had words for me when I tried to confine her.

Nadya also has a few antibiotics and supplements to take. Nadya said very clearly that her antibiotics do NOT taste very good.

All in all, Nadya is enduring her treatment. She's a little more growly and vocal than she's been before but it's understandable. No one likes medications. No one likes needles jabbed in them. She and I will work on our routine. She's a good girl with a good heart so I'm sure she'll come to understand that I'm only trying to help.

Fudge Stripe also got to join in on the medication fun. She had an abscess on her rear that was infected. It was drained and now she's on antibiotics to help it all heal. Most likely the abscess was caused by Nadya accidentally nipping Fudgie. I assume Fudge sat in some formula during one of her bottle feedings and Nadya over zealously cleaned her up.

After medications, Nadya got some treats (which helps take the awful taste of the antibiotics away) and some playtime. She's not fully her happy, purry, dancing self but she did purr and she did humor me with a couple of playful bats at her toys.

Fourth task - feed the kittens again. Canned food for those who would eat the food and bottle feedings for all. I will have to wash my clothes after that. There was a lot of spillage as some of the kittens are new to the bottle experience. I was amazed that some got the hang of this bottle thing after just a few sucks. My kittens are smart. :-)

From this morning (5/1): Nadya's temp was 102.9. It's always a good sign when the temp goes down!

It took about an hour and a half to get everyone bottle fed. Several kittens did not want to get out of bed! Zotz, of course, was the first one up followed by Biscoff. After Biscoff was done with his bottle, he woke up several more kittens who then staggered like zombies out of the cave and over to me. Zagnut preferred to lick his formula off a plate, which was just fine with me. Stroopy was the last one up and would have slept right through breakfast if I didn't go get him. He loved the canned food and camped right in front of the plate.

The kittens are learning how to play. Zagnut was enjoying biting his siblings and they in turn enjoyed whapping him in the face.

Everyone is doing fine. Kittens are happy to be able to roam. I'm not as happy about that but I do love how much they're growing and learning. The kittens lost a bit of weight while at the vet but we'll make that up with bottle feedings and canned food.

BTW, Nadya's kittens turned three weeks old yesterday (4/30).

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Nadya's Vet Bills

Nadya is racking up a lot of vet bills (although she'd certainly prefer not to stay several nights away from home). She's had multiple rounds of blood work, X-Rays, medications, and of course, overnight hospitalization fees. If you'd like to help Feline Rescue pay for her bills by making a donation, Nadya (and her foster caregiver and Feline Rescue) would love it.

Click on the "Network for Good" banner below. Please make sure to enter "Nadya's vet bills" in the Designation field on the form.

Example of the Designation field:

If you'd prefer to donate through PayPal, you can do that, too. Make sure to enter "Nadya's vet bills on the donation page.

Thank you all for your support of Nadya. Any donation you give is absolutely appreciated.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Nadya Status Update 4/29

When I visited Nadya this morning (4/29), her temperature had risen overnight and she still hadn't eaten. Her temp was back at 105.8.  As soon as she saw me, she kneaded the air with happiness but it was very short lived. She liked seeing me; she just wasn't feeling well to really enjoy it. She did not look good. She did use her litter box (and Shortbread and Biscoff showed great interest in the procedure) but that was the most amount of movement she would endure.

Today is the orphans four week birthday. To celebrate that, Zotz ate some canned food! This is typically the age where they get weaned from momma - they get a bit of canned food but momma continues to nurse. At week five, nursing is considerably less and canned food consumption is higher. The good news about this is that the more canned food Zotz eats, the less she needs from Nadya - which lessens the burden on Nadya a bit.

As I drove to work, I cried. I didn't think Nadya would get better.

This evening (still 4/29), I visited Nadya again. This time when she saw me, she jumped right up. She wanted to go home. Her fever had dropped to 103, which, although not ideal, was better than 105.8! She was feeling better. The vet tech offered her some canned food and she ate it. Zotz joined her momma at the dinner bowl. Zagnut, the big giant, also decided to try to eat... But he's a little confused about what food is. He hopped in the litter box and ate some litter (which is normal - and the litter is safe for kittens to eat). He then found a food dish... And gnawed on the bowl. I scooped up some canned food and put it in front of Zagnut. He figured it out and ate that.

The kittens are getting more wiggly. Double Stuff is trying very hard to get his siblings to play.

Shortbread, although only three weeks old, discovered the joys of canned food! With face firmly planted in the dish, Shortbread ate very well.

Nadya may be released tomorrow (4/30) or perhaps Thursday (5/1). She seems to be on the mend. The kittens are all doing very well. They're growing and learning just like they should be.

Shortbread gets into this eating thing! 

Nadya and Zotz wolf down some food together. 

Nadya and kittens in their luxurious kennel at the vet.  

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Reason Behind Nadya's Absences

If you've been watching the the Ustream webcam, you may have noticed that Nadya and her kittens have been absent a couple of times. Nadya has been fighting fevers off and on for about two weeks now. Nadya had blood work, X-Rays (to make sure there weren't any kittens stuck inside her), and three FeLV/FIV tests. Her blood work showed that she had chronic anemia. The first FeLV/FIV test was performed when she was about seven weeks pregnant (two weeks before the kittens were due). The next test was performed a week after the kittens were born, the first time Nadya had a fever. Both came back as negative. The third FeLV/FIV test was performed the second time Nadya had a fever. This one came back positive. Nadya has FIV.

One of the reasons that the first two FeLV/FIV tests came back negative is because Nadya may have been recently infected with FIV. It takes the antibodies 8-12 weeks to appear after infection. If we work along that assumption, Nadya was most likely infected at the time of her pregnancy. Unaltered tom cats have a higher percentage of being infected with FIV. FIV is transmitted through bites; unaltered tom cats tend to fight more. When cats mate, the tom cat bites the scruff of the female's neck. Usually, the bite does not break the skin. In Nadya's case, she may not have been so lucky.

There are three stages of FIV. The first stage occurs when the infection is new to the system. The body fights off the virus and any new foreign bodies act as triggers. Bacteria that won't harm a healthy cat will cause infection - and fevers - in a new FIV cat. The infected cat usually has frequent bouts of fever, anemia, swollen lymph nodes, and a variety of other ailments.

Once they pass the hump of stage one, it's on to stage two. Stage two can last for many, many, many years. Stage two is the "recovery" stage, the "normal" stage. The infected cat lives a perfectly happy, healthy life during this stage. The virus is still there, however, the cat does not show any signs of illness.

Stage three is the end of life phase. FIV cats are always more susceptible to any illness and this is the stage that will eventually claim the cat's life. Fevers, sores, dental issues, eye issues, and all sorts of infections can occur. FIV affects the immune system, leaving the cat vulnerable to all sorts of diseases - including cancer.

The optimist in me wants to believe that Nadya is indeed in the first stage of FIV. Several pieces of  "evidence" point to a recent infection (like the fact that the first two tests came back negative; the antibodies may not have formed yet). If that is the case, hopefully Nadya will jump to stage two very quickly and will live a long, healthy life. However, it is certainly a possibility that Nadya is in the final stage of FIV. There is evidence to support that theory, too (her frequent bouts of high fevers, her anemia, and her swollen lymph nodes).

We're still in the discovery phase for Nadya. We're working to keep her stable and comfortable.

For more reading on FIV, click on these links:

Don't Fear FIV Cats
All About FIV

Meet the Kittens

Zotz - the leader of the gang. One of the orphans. 

Shortbread - one of Nadya's kittens. One of the smallest kittens. Always screaming/crying when away from momma. 

Stroopy - one of Nadya's kittens.

Fudge Stripe - one of Nadya's kittens, the smallest of the bunch. 

Biscoff - the biggest of Nadya's kittens.

Double Stuff - one of Nadya's kittens. 
Zagnut - one of the orphans. He's the LARGEST kitten of them all - more than double Fudge Stripe's weight. 

Nadya & the Cookie Crew (and the Candy Crew, too)!

Nadya the cat is in foster care with Feline Rescue. She had SIX babies on 4/9/14 and many people got to witness the birth of two of them (four of them were born in the wee hours of the morning). 

Unfortunately, a little more than a day later, one of Nadya's kittens died. He was named Nutter Butter. He didn't have the ability to suck/latch on and attempts to tube feed him were unsuccessful. Nutter Butter most likely was not fully developed internally. 

A day later, Nadya and her five babies were introduced to TWO one week old orphans. Nadya accepted these new arrivals without hesitation. 

Watch as Nadya's babies grow! Their development rate is quick - from having closed eyes and barely crawling, to open eyes and hearing, to learning to walk, to tearing apart their room. Nadya has her paws full! 

Nadya's kittens include one black and white, one white with giant black spots, one solid grey, one grey and white tabby, and one brown and white tabby. The two orphans are both brown tabbies. 

Once her babies are three months old, they will be ready for adoption. Contact Joan (651-705-6264) at Feline Rescue if you want to adopt them! 

Learn more about Feline Rescue and other cats up for adoption by visiting