Sunday morning, as I was preparing breakfast for the resident cats, Amaryllis started howling. I ran downstairs. She was waiting for me at the door. I believe her expression said, "You said you were *A* howl away. I've been howling for five minutes! Where were you?" There were little droplets all over the carpet. I knew kittens would be coming soon. I sat down; Amaryllis went into the cat tower cave. Dang. I called to her and she ran over to me. I showed her the cardboard box den I made her. She went inside and curled up. Twenty minutes later, contractions started and a kitten was born at 9:05am.
She had her back to me so I did not get to see the birth and didn't really realize one had actually been born until I heard soft mewing. Finally, she moved and the little kitten started crawling up her side. I got my first glimpse of the white kitten.
Amaryllis has certainly done this before (given birth) as she had them all cleaned up incredibly quickly. She purred the entire time she gave birth. After they were all born, she looked up at me with the greatest expression that really summed up how she was feeling. Even though it wasn't even 11am, her day had been long and she needed a nap. She looked quite tired.
I find it quite funny that she gave birth in alternating colors. The kittens lined up to nurse in birth order.
Amaryllis has been sneezing since the day before kittens. I had our vet make a house call to check her out. The vet thinks it's just allergies. I'm keeping an eye on her because I certainly don't need her to come down with a little kitty cold.
I think the biggest kitten, one of the brown tabbies, is a girl. The others may be boys. I need to look again when they're a bit older. They're all gaining weight and looking good. She's doing a wonderful job with them. She lets me pick them up to weigh them. I'm careful not to handle them too much.
Amaryllis definitely likes it when I come into the room to be with her. She finally has an excuse to leave her kittens for a few minutes. I call this our adult time.